11+ Exam Success
All our 11+ students have passed exams and been offered places to at least one of their chosen schools again this year. This is such fantastic news and well deserved. Congratulations to all those tutors and students who worked so hard.
Over the years we have developed our experience with common entrance and 11+ exam students. We like to get the entrance exam past papers from the schools in question. After that we assess each child to help us see which areas need strengthening. We then design a programme to help our students meet the requirements of each test. This gives many students a boost in the their confidence and skills that helps them throughout their school experience.
We have lots of specialist resources such as Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning programmes. We are also very aware of the high standard of maths and written English. Many students need to learn to write more fluently and in an expressive and interesting style.
It is always a pleasure to help children push themselves and really do their best!
Special Mentions go to;
- Bailey- foundation scholarship to PGS and King Edwards
- Miabella-scholarship to PHSG & PGS
- Minaal-passed PHSG
- Shahid-passed PGS
- Maksim-passed PGS
- Poppy-passed PHSG
- Joe-passed PGS
- Olya-passed PHSG (swimming scholarship)
- Siha-passed PHSG
We wish you all a great transition to your new schools and every success while there!