Tutor Profiles
Tutors at I Love to Learn
Howard Jones:
is the Centre Director. He is a secondary teacher with over 13 years experience and has now tutored 6 to 16 year olds for 12 years. Howard loves to teach all topics but especially senior Maths. He is passionate about education and seeing children reach their full potential. He enjoys politics, running and reading; but not at the same time! He is married to Linda and they have two fantastic children.
Linda Jones:
is the Co-Director with Howard. She has a huge amount of primary experience, having been a Literacy Coordinator in West Sussex, and Literacy Development teacher here in Portsmouth. Linda is now dedicated to perfecting students’ skills through tutoring. She finds working with children energising! She also enjoys cooking and playing Boggle.
4 Study Habits for the New Academic Year
4 Study Habits for the New Academic Year
It’s back to business after the freedom and fun of the summer holidays. Let’s hope our children will have the excitement and enthusiasm for a new year motivating them through the first term. Forming a few good habits early can help them when facing new challenges later.
Effective study skills can often make good students into great students. Here are four great study habits to help your child get the most out of their learning this year.
- Study Planner-schools let children know the topics they will be studying nowadays. Make a long term plan of the year ahead to help focus their learning and avoid last minute cramming.
- Study Schedule-stick to regular homework sessions on a timetable making as it will become part of the daily routine.
A calendar and a weekly plan leading up to due dates will give everyone a clear view and help in allocating time to getting things done.
- Study Time- designate a ‘communication blackout hour’ or until homework is done, no phones, messages, gaming or TV.
- Study Space-create a study area away from above distraction, ideally a quiet, well lit area, having materials and equipment to hand including spare reading glasses if needed.
Help with Homework
We don’t think that parents should have to do all the work, so this kind of support for children is a good way to help them take responsibility. Generally the rule of thumb is, if you are working harder on their homework than they are it is time to back off! Of course it is OK to help with their homework, (make it clear who is responsible) if they ask for it but perhaps limit it to 30 mins before charging!
Getting the balance right can take time. Try to avoid threats if things get tough, this usually leads to trenches getting dug rather deep. Instead try offering encouragement like ” As soon as it’s done you can/we can ………..”.
To read more try…. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/pride-and-joy/201209/battles-over-homework-advice-parents
Transition to a New School
Blasting Though to the Next Level!
Many of our little superheroes will soon be pushing through to the next level at school. This may be a transition between Infant to Junior or Junior to Senior. Even changing year groups can be a lot for younger children.
Do you remember the feeling of excitement and fear of going up to a new class or school?
Now is a good time to talk to your kids about these changes. Fear of the unknown is the worst thing
especially for imaginative young minds.
It is a good idea to ask your child to write a list of questions themselves. You never know what their concerns might be.
Talk to the Teacher
Always talk to the new teacher or school about your child’s special needs, personality, strengths and weaknesses. Understanding a child is usually a great way to help teach that child.
Practical preparations are important also to help the child get ready mentally. A new uniform or bag might seem a small thing, but it might help your little superhero think themselves into a new role.
If you do have any concerns about your child’s progress in reading, writing, spelling and maths please do not hesitate to call Howard and Linda on 023 93 968 626 or click on the Assessment Request button!