Preparing for the 11+ Interview
11+ Interview Tips
How often are children interviewed? Not very often! For most it will be a first experience, so here is some information and a few tips to help smooth the process. Everyone will want your child to present themselves as honestly and fully as possible in the time given.
Why interview?
Each school knows the sort of children that they cater for. They are looking for their ‘type’ of child with the sort of ‘behaviours’ that are expected at their school. Will your child fit in, not just academically but socially too? It is a good idea for you and your child to do some research about the school. What are their achievements, what facilities do they have, what subjects and activities do they offer: and most importantly, what are their values? They will want to find out what your child is interested in contributing to school life and which activities they will want to take part in? The school will also want to know if your child is committed to studying and has the personal drive and stamina to work hard.
What else will they have to do?
They may have to read aloud so practice reading previously unseen text aloud at home. Encourage reading with expression and understanding. Use the punctuation to help the passage make sense.
They may have to talk about an item of interest or a piece of work they are proud of. Your child needs to be ready to talk with enthusiasm and confidence. They will be nervous so give them opportunities to do this beforehand.
Find out more about how we tutor for 11+ and Common Entrance Assessments by clicking here….
Possible Questions
- Why are you interested in joining our school?
- What hobbies and interests do you have (sport, music)?
- Can you tell us about your school and any extra activities you currently do?
- What book are you reading currently outside of school?
- Who is your favourite author?
- Is there a current event or world issue that interests you?
The key with these questions is to elaborate! One word answers will not convey much enthusiasm. What does your child feel excited by and what do they feel strongly about?
Discussing the news and world events shows a broad interest in the world and will give your child an awareness of their wider context. The Week Junior Magazine, or similar, is worth buying for current news.
Find out when the local Common Assessment Dates are in January by clicking here…..
On the Day
- Get a good night’s sleep, go to bed early with The Week Junior or good book! Be fresh and alert but being nervous is also normal!
- Eat a good breakfast. If you are nervous, and can’t eat, perhaps drink a smoothie. Also, drink some water and take some with you.
- Dress appropriately, look smart and formal. Parents too!
- Arrive early! You do not want to be rushed. Parking may be an issue, so work out travel arrangements beforehand!
- Remove ALL distractions, phones, electronic devices, smart watches off, read a book or look at the school prospectus again. Be ready to engage when adults speak to you, give good eye contact.
- Sit up straight with good posture. Show you are enthusiastic, even if you are nervous! Don’t hide, look at your feet or chew your sleeves!
- Try to enjoy being the centre of attention.
Remember, if the school believes you will fit in well and thinks it has what it takes to help you develop your particular talents they will probably offer you a place. If it is not the right school for you, please don’t think you have failed, you just might need a different type of school.
11+ Common Entrance Assessment Dates January 2019
11+ Entrance Assessments for January 2019
Indepedent Schools in Portsmouth and Fareham
We love helping children prepare for 11+ common entrance assessments. I thought it might be a good idea to make sure everyone has the dates they need.
The entrance exams always cover maths and English to a high level. Children are also usually tested on their verbal and non verbal reasoning. These tests are designed to be more difficult to prepare for as they are not a school subject. Verbal reasoning is concerned with language and words problems while non-verbal reasoning looks are logic, shape and number patterns.
Here is a testimonial we received earlier.
“We are so pleased that Mahera has got a FULL BURSARY for the local girl’s high school in Portsmouth. She has been to your centre before for tuition but we came back in November so she could get ready for the exams. She has worked so hard and Linda has really encouraged her in her writing! Thanks so much!”
Click here to find out more about tutoring for Entrance Exams …
Are you considering entering your child for an independent school? Tell us and we can help prepare them.
Click here to read more about our success…..
Portsmouth High School
11+, 12+, 13+ or 14+
Saturday 19th January 2019
Portsmouth Grammar School
11+ and 13+ Entrance Assessment
Saturday 26th January 2019
Mayville High School
All Candidates Sit Exam
Saturday 19th January 2019
St John’s College
11+ Entrance Assessment
Thursday 20th November
Tuesday 22nd January 2018
The Gregg School
11+ Entrance Assessment
Saturday 2nd February 2019
Summer School 20th -24st August 2018
Maths and English Fun at Summer School
Summer will soon be here and Summer School 2018 is here by popular demand! Each student receives 10 hours of professional tuition in a week. Some children stay in the afternoon for sport activities.
Summer School 20th -24th AUG
Tuition: Maths & English 9-11am or 12-2pm Cost £200 6-16yrs
A full ten hours of professional tuition in reading, writing, spelling and maths to boost your child this summer. Individual plans and all abilities catered for. Classes in our Portsmouth and Fareham Centres.
Tuition and Sport*: Maths & English Tuition + Trampolining/Gymnastics 9am-3pm
Sport*: Trampolining, Gymnastics and other activities with fully qualified coaches from PSTGC
Learn some new moves and gain a badge and certificate at the end of the week!
*Transport is available to take students from the Fareham Centre and back to Priory Tennis for the sport activities.
-Save £30 by booking both Sport and Tuition-
Cost was £275 only £245 (if booked before w/e June 30th) 6-12yrs
Many Children Fall Behind
‘Research shows as many as one in three children can fall behind as a result of a seven-week break from the classroom.’
For most children, summer is a time to leave classes and homework behind. While summer is a holiday from school, it does not have to be a holiday from learning. The summer holiday is great for recharging your children’s batteries, but if they are not using the skills and knowledge that was learned in the classroom, they will find themselves struggling when school starts up again.
Skills and knowledge gained throughout the school year fade during the summer months. Research shows that loss of content retention begins within 24 to 48 hours of learning unless the new information is reinforced or applied immediately. That is why, during summer holidays, even the best students forget lessons they have learned during the school year. After a month without reinforcement, approximately 80 percent of what a student has recently learned can be lost.
Gain Confidence
For children who have struggled in school, summer is an invaluable opportunity to catch-up on key skills and feel more confident when they return to class. For students who do well, it is an opportunity to keep their enthusiasm for learning high.
If your child needs help with reading, writing, spelling or maths call Howard or Linda for a free assessment on 023 93 96 86 26 now.
Request a Call Back
Dates for 11+ Entrance Assessments for Local Independent Schools
Are you considering entering your child for an 11+ entrance assessment for an independent school? Here are some dates for some of the local Portsmouth schools.
Every year we help lots of children prepare for these tests. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if we can be of help.
Portsmouth High School
11+, 12+, 13+ or 14+
Saturday 20th January.
Portsmouth Grammar School
11+ and 13+ Entrance Assessment
Saturday 27th January
Mayville High School
All Candidates Sit Exam
Saturday 20th January
St John’s College
11+ Entrance Assessment
Thursday 23rd November
Saturday 18th January
Summer School 21st -25th August 2017
Maths and English Fun
Summer will soon be here and our Summer School is back by popular demand! Each student receives 10 hours of professional tuition in a week. Some children stay in the afternoon for sport activities.
Summer School 21st -25th AUG
Tuition: Maths & English 9-11am or 12-2pm Cost £200 6-16yrs
A full ten hours of professional tuition in reading, writing, spelling and maths to boost your child this summer. Individual plans and all abilities catered for.
Sport: Trampolining & Gymnastics with fully qualified coaches from PSTGC Cost £75
Learn some new moves and gain a badge and certificate at the end of the week!
Tuition and Sport: Maths & English Tuition + Trampolining/Gymnastics 9am-3pm
*Save £30 by booking both Sport and Tuition*
Cost was £275 only £245 (if booked before w/e June 30th) 6-12yrs
Many Children Fall Behind
‘Research shows as many as one in three children can fall behind as a result of a seven-week break from the classroom.’
For most children, summer is a time to leave classes and homework behind. While summer is a holiday from school, it does not have to be a holiday from learning. The summer holiday is great for recharging your children’s batteries, but if they are not using the skills and knowledge that was learned in the classroom, they will find themselves struggling when school starts up again.
Skills and knowledge gained throughout the school year fade during the summer months. Research shows that loss of content retention begins within 24 to 48 hours of learning unless the new information is reinforced or applied immediately. That is why, during summer holidays, even the best students forget lessons they have learned during the school year. After a month without reinforcement, approximately 80 percent of what a student has recently learned can be lost.
Gain Confidence
For children who have struggled in school, summer is an invaluable opportunity to catch-up on key skills and feel more confident when they return to class. For students who do well, it is an opportunity to keep their enthusiasm for learning high.
If your child needs help with reading, writing, spelling or maths call Howard or Linda for a free assessment on 023 93 96 86 26 now.
Request a Call Back
Transition to a New School
Blasting Though to the Next Level!
Many of our little superheroes will soon be pushing through to the next level at school. This may be a transition between Infant to Junior or Junior to Senior. Even changing year groups can be a lot for younger children.
Do you remember the feeling of excitement and fear of going up to a new class or school?
Now is a good time to talk to your kids about these changes. Fear of the unknown is the worst thing
especially for imaginative young minds.
It is a good idea to ask your child to write a list of questions themselves. You never know what their concerns might be.
Talk to the Teacher
Always talk to the new teacher or school about your child’s special needs, personality, strengths and weaknesses. Understanding a child is usually a great way to help teach that child.
Practical preparations are important also to help the child get ready mentally. A new uniform or bag might seem a small thing, but it might help your little superhero think themselves into a new role.
If you do have any concerns about your child’s progress in reading, writing, spelling and maths please do not hesitate to call Howard and Linda on 023 93 968 626 or click on the Assessment Request button!