Wow 100% Pass Rate for 11+Exams!
11+ Entrance Exam Success
Well done to all our 11+ and common entrance exam students for passing their tests. All students, who attended our sessions regularly, passed their 11+ exams in at least one of the schools they applied for. They included; Christ’s Hospital, St Catherine’s, Badminton, Cheltenham Ladies’ College, PGS and PHS. One of our students even got a full boarding scholarship, including all music tuition and exams paid in full!
Over the years we have had a lot of success, but this is definitely the best year ever. In order to celebrate we invited them all to Playzone on us! Quite a few were able to make it and really love the event. One mum said “Once again thanks you and Linda for organising this evenings party, the children had an amazing time and it was such a special treat to celebrate the end of the ordeal from the past few months! ”
It was really fun to celebrate together and we hope we can do it again soon.
Simplifying Payment Options for Easter 2017
Simplifying Payment Options
We want to simplify the payment option that we offer. We have been finding it difficult to concentrate on tutoring and administering payments at the same time. Occasionally we make mistakes and missed payments are very time consuming to follow up. Also, the card machine is expensive and Charlotte (our new Administrator) can’t always be here.
Weekly Payment
Ideally we would make everything monthly direct debit, however we know that would not work for some people. We have tried to keep the option of weekly payment using our ‘Autopay’ system (we will need your card details). Autopay is an online payment system that you can access through your parent login. You can make weekly, monthly or one-off payments to us using this.
No More Card Machine
After Easter we will no longer have the card machine, and Autopay will be our only card payment system. (This also saves us money on machine rental so we can extend the discount we give!)
Cash Payments
We will still accept cash as long as they are for a half term or term in advance (with a 5% discount).
Summary of Payment Methods:
Weekly Autopay only £30 a session
Monthly Autopay only £30 a session
½ Termly Autopay or cash £32 a session with a 5% discount
Termly Autopay or cash £32 a session with a 5% discount
You can still use cash to make advanced payments (half term or full term) and will still receive a 5% discount.
P.S. Childcare payments remain unchanged. You can also login yourself and make payments via the website.