What parents say...

Thank you so much for helping me with my maths!  I have come along much more in maths lessons at school! Hopefully, depending on whether I need help when I go to Secondary School I might come back again. (I hope so)  Thank you again. Madison.
Mrs H Breen
Also can I just say a massive thank you too, Ellie was a bit apprehensive before her first session but when she came home last week she was absolutely buzzing, she loved her time spent there and felt so much happier even after just one session. So thank you, she has been so worried about her exams especially English.
"Thank You."
Albie had been diagnosed with mild dyslexia and his reading age was around 2 years behind!  The standard in private school is often higher, so we were worried about the Entrance Exams.  Soon after he enrolled he started making rapid progress.  The school say he is now Level  5 in literacy and the teacher can see a lot of difference.  His reading age has shot up and the gaps in maths have been filled in and he has caught up amazingly quickly. It has definitely, definitely made a difference and I have recommended the centre to my friends.
Jilly (Albie’s Mum)
winner “We had planned to stop the tutoring after the 11+ exam, but with the next lockdown and more disruption to her education, we quickly relented when she literally begged us to continue going! The sessions are adjusted to her needs and she describes them as ‘really fun’ and she likes it that the work is specific to her level and much more individualised than the class work at school.”
Penny Meeking
We are so pleased that Mahera has got a FULL BURSARY for the local girl’s high school in Portsmouth.  She has been to your centre before for tuition but we came back in November so she could get ready for the exams.   She has worked so hard and Linda has really encouraged her in her writing!  Thanks so much!
Mahera's Mum
She loves coming, and sees that it helps her at school.  Her scores are going up all the time and recently she got three class awards in three weeks, she says this is ‘Thanks to you.
Mrs C Walker
Private maths tutoring in Portsmouth , I Love To Learn is a professional education centre for 6-16 year olds. Great for SATs, 11+ or GCSE and all abilities.

“The GCSE Maths Tutors Are Great.”

T’anna came to us as her mum had seen us on Facebook and decided to call.  T’anna, now in year 10, had always struggled with her maths.   In four short months however, she has improved so much that, the school want to put her up for the Higher GCSE paper!!  Kerry, T’anna’s mum says ” She has come on leaps and bounds, I am so pleased with the progress. The tutors are great! It’s a convenient location and the assessment is easy to arrange.”

Kerry RobertsonParents
Thank you for your lovely card.  You have helped with my creative writing and vocabulary.  I have grown in confidence and I appreciate your help.
“Dear Howard Thank you so much for all these lessons you’ve been giving me!  They really have improved my work at school and now I can put all your help to good use with my SATs.  Thank you so much for everything! From Lewis”
Lewis (student)
I would like to thank you for the enthusiastic way in which you have helped Vicky gain confidence in her abilities to learn.  She has been a different child since coming to you and has a more positive view now!
Vicky's Parents

Who Our Tuition Is Not Suited For?

A Guide to Who Will Not Benefit From Our Tuition Service

We want parents and children to get the best out of our tuition service.  The last thing we want to do is waste anyone’s money on something that is not for them.

Here is a guide to help parents decide if we are the right service for their child or children.

Last minute exam prep-esp GCSE

Take a Break!

We are not able to cram for exams.  Our tuition is designed to look for areas of weakness that students might have.  We may need to go back a few years (educationally) to work on skills that students may have missed.  This can take some time, and if you (or the student), are too focussed on an exam you might become frustrated.  We are aiming for mastery and not just short term exam performance (that will probably be forgotten the day after the exam!)


We are not a specialist special needs centre.  However, if we meet children for an assessment and feel we can work with them, we take them on.  There are a few students, maybe their behaviour is too bad or maybe they can’t speak any English, who we find it difficult to help.  The best thing to do is book in for a free assessment and we will give you our honest opinion.

Can’t Attend a Centre Regularly

Regular attendance at lessons is essential for progress.   In many cases we only get 80 minutes once a week. We do not want to waste anyone’s money, so if you cannot attend regularly, we may not be the place for you.

If You Want Online Tutoring

We do not have an online offer at the moment.  We still feel in centre tutoring is of a much higher quality than online, and that most children needs teachers to be present.

Free or Cheap Tuition

Good quality tuition by professional and experienced tutors does cost money.  We have to provide a great learning environment and pay for fantastic, experienced and qualified tutors.  We try to provide the best tuition that money can buy but we quite understand that it is not in everyone’s budget.  We are committed to helping your child make progress so please don’t try to drive down our prices.




Common Questions About Our Tuition Services

Ask A Question And We Will Answer

In this article we answer some of the common questions that parents ask.  We hope that you will find it useful.

Is it One to One?

tutorsYes, but each tutor has four or five students at a time.  They are able to give each student one to one attention, even though they may be learning different subjects or be different ages.  Each week, the tutor will plan a individual programme for your child to help them with any areas of weakness.  Because all the planning and resources are prepared in advance, the tutor is able to teach each student something new each session.

Will you Come to Our Home?

No, all of our tutoring is done in our centres so your child has access to all of our learning packages and technology in an optimal learning environment, without any distractions.  Try homeschooltutoring…

Do You Do Online Tuition?

No, we do not have an online offer at the moment.  We feel that we can deliver the best quality lessons in person and we feel that children respond better when teachers are present infuntolearn the room.

How long will it take to solve my child’s problem?

Every child is different, so it’s important they come in for a FREE Assessment so we can come up with a plan and goals, for them to work towards. We don’t know how long it will take, but we promise to give you honest feedback about progress. Every session that your child attends is individually planned and adapted to suit their particular needs. We aim to unlock areas of difficulty as soon as we can for each child.

How do I know that my child will improve?

cut&stickWe guarantee to work with your child until they feel confident to flourish and no longer feel daunted by the problematic area. Combined with our expert tutoring, their school work and extra homework from us; your child will feel supported, encouraged and will make progress in the areas you are concerned about.

Can you tutor my child with a Special Educational Need?

We are not a SEN centre, but because we tailor our lesson plans to the specific needs of each child we have taught children with diagnosed ADHD, Aspergers, Dyslexia, Autism and others in the past.  If your child falls into one of these categories it’s very important you get in touch and set up an interview with us and an assessment. Then, we can establish whether we can effectively tutor your child.

Our Portsmouth Centre has wheelchair access and the use of a disabled toilet. We want to offer the best for all the children we tutor, so this is a very important process.  We are always willing to go the extra mile regardless of any special need. Please call for more details.

If you have a question or concern why don’t you email us at tutors@ilovetolearn.co.uk

Please find more FAQs here…

GCSE Maths Success in Only 3 months!

GCSE Maths Grade 2-4 in Three Months

Alex had always found maths difficult at school. He found himself in Year 11, dreading the thought of taking his GCSE maths exam. He enrolled with us for maths tuition with just three months to go and attended two lessons a week to try to catch up. It was the repetition and individual attention that he found very helpful. Alex says, “I learned more in the three months than my whole time in the maths classroom at school. I went from dreading it, to feeling much better about being there.” This Summer he was overjoyed to find that he had gone from a Grade 2 in his mocks up to a Grade 4 (C) pass in his final exam.

Maths funNow he is at Portsmouth College studying his A levels and very happy! Howard Jones, his tutor, said, “Alex was a very motivated student and knew what he wanted. I was able to channel this energy into a really positive direction. If students are prepared to put in the work, it is amazing how quickly some targeted one-to-one tutoring can make a difference in many cases.”

We had to go right back to the level of maths that Alex could cope with. We then focused on drilling his number work to improve his fluency and arithmetic (remember, at least one of the papers is non-calculator). Each lesson, we also completed a set of mixed questions which analyzed areas of weakness. These were matched each lesson with GCSE-type questions which we repeated until Alex could answer them independently for himself. As the exam got closer, we then focused more on exam-type questions, making sure we repeated each one to give Alex maximum confidence.


How we teach maths…

We recommend Corbett maths for revision…

Celebrating our GCSE Results!

Congratulations Everyone!
Well done to all our GCSE students who took their exams this summer.  It was an outstanding pass rate.  Special mention to Ella who was predicted an F for two years but got a C on the day!  Also Alex who went from Grade 2-Grade 4 in just three months.

Amber E. 6(B) in English Language

Ella C. 4(C) in Maths

Renz J. 5(B) in Maths

Andrei I. 4(C) in English Language

Harrison M. 5(B) in English Literature

Alex A. 4(C) in Maths

Darcy G. 7(A) in Maths

Tyler B. 4(C) in Maths

Best of luck for the future

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