What parents say...

Prezton has done really well and we are very proud of his achievement so thank you all again
Mrs A Laborde
Thank you for your lovely card.  You have helped with my creative writing and vocabulary.  I have grown in confidence and I appreciate your help.
Alex had been tested in Year 4 for dyslexia and he came out mildly dyslexic for spelling.  He has a poor short term memory, and we were concerned about him going to Senior School with these problems. Alex started off a bit ‘anti’, but now he agrees that his writing is better and the improvement has been commented on by teachers.  We are so pleased he is getting professional help, and are especially pleased that he now see the benefit and is self-motivated. He now is now asking for help with his Maths too!
Mrs D Wilson
Thank you both so much for all the support you have give our Darcey.  she really has grown in her confidence with her maths and you have defo given her the foundations to grow.  She is very excited about starting senior school in September and I am sure we will be back in the future for more support for her or her younger sister.  Big, big hugs.
Heidi & Lee
I would like to thank you for everything that you have done, and also pass on my gratitude from Lottie because she has learnt she has really benefited from and her confidence in maths has vastly improve, so much so that she now tells me that she looks forward to maths class at school!
Charlotte's parents
Thank you for all your support with our son, Thomas. His hand writing, spelling, maths and reading is progressing beautifully. I would highly recommend your setting to anyone who wishes to give their child a boost or to work on specific learning goals. It has been invaluable. All your tutors are warm, welcoming and professional and Thomas is always made to feel valued. Positive praise and lots of stickers, stamps, rewards, prizes and certificates give that extra special touch to reward and recognise the children’s efforts. Thomas is certainly always proud of his achievements from your centre.
Laura (Thomas’s mum)
“Joshua got his GCSE results today and I just wanted to let you know how he got on. He got an 8 in English Language and a 7 in English Literature, he has always struggled with English and wouldn’t of been able to achieve these amazing grades without yours and Adam’s help, if you could please let him know how Joshua done. So once again thank you for all the work you did with him.” Emily (parent) 2021
Emily EvansparentI Love to Learn Portsmouth
At the time of writing this testimonial, my daughter has had only 5 sessions and her confidence and ability has increased significantly!  (Now) she talks of enjoying maths and of her abilities in maths instead of her inabilities, participates more in maths lessons at school and is keen to do her maths homework, both from school and from the sessions.  As a parent I am thrilled that her confidence has grown significantly and would recommend I Love to Learn without hesitation.
S BondParentPortsmouth
“We also had a parent’s meeting at his school earlier this week.  I am pleased to say that his maths teacher was very impressed with not only his work, but also his attitude toward it.  I can only say that this is because of the wonderful service you and your colleagues have given.  Thank you so much for this.  Ellis is really enjoying his time with you and also seeing how well he is doing and this has resulted in a positive attitude towards learning.” James (parent) 2021
James Hannon
“Dear Howard Thank you so much for all these lessons you’ve been giving me!  They really have improved my work at school and now I can put all your help to good use with my SATs.  Thank you so much for everything! From Lewis”
Lewis (student)

Christmas Competition

Can you guess the number of gold coins in the box?

We are always thinking of ways to have fun learning maths here at I Love to Learn! One important skill is estimating numbers of objects to help learn quantity.

Santa has helped us by providing golden coins for our children to count – but how many are there? Write down your guesses at our tutoring centre and we will announce the winner of an exciting age-appropriate prize very soon. Watch this space!

Christmas competition
How many coins in Santa’s box?

No More Maths Anxiety!

She now talks about her ‘Maths Abilities’!

“My 12 year old daughter has experienced maths anxiety since Year 3 and on returning to school after the summer holidays into Year 8.  This anxiety was heightened due to school pressures.  We discussed strategies that may support her in her learning, having heard such good things of I Love to Learn, made an appointment for a free assessment.

Keen to Attend

The analysis of my daughter’s results suggested there was a difficulty in understanding the language of maths in addition to some gaps in her learning, despite being in top set for maths in her school.  My daughter was keen to attend the weekly session as she had enjoyed her assessment so much.

‘I Am Thrilled’

At the time of writing this testimonial, my daughter has had only 5 sessions and her confidence and ability has increased significantly.  She talks of enjoying maths and of her abilities in maths instead of her inabilities, participates more in maths lessons at school and is keen to do her maths homework, both from school and from the sessions.

As a parent I am thrilled that her confidence has grown significantly and would recommend I Love to Learn without hesitation!”

How it works

How It Works

Tutoring children to learn and love the journey!


What we offer

  • A FREE Assessment for every child
  • A dedicated learning space with bit of ‘Love to Learn’ magic
  • Expert tutors who are dedicated to your children
  • A professional individual lesson plan
  • Fun ways to work through computer activities, structured worksheets, workbooks and audio resources
  • Honest, regular feedback and re-assessment of progress

Loving to Learn:

Work your child Can Do!

After the assessment we use the result to make an individual plan for your child.  It will focus on any areas of weakness and allows us to set work at the right level.  We will give your child work that they can do so their confidence and feeling of success returns.

Professional Tutors

Our tutoring consists of one-on-one tuition in a small group with a fully qualified teacher. We will discuss and explain the work to your child (and not just plough through worksheets).  We see the best progress from children who are with us for six to nine months.

As everyone works in different ways so we cannot guarantee progress.  We ask that the homework given is completed so we can check how students are getting on when we are not around.  We also ask that students attend as regularly and punctually as possible.  We want to make every minute count, so it is important the learning process is not disrupted.

Loving the Journey:

We will give honest verbal feedback at the end of every session.  Once the child has reached the goal agreed, we will recommend that the child be re-assessed or graduated from the programme.

If you want to discuss progress or anything else about your child, please do not hesitate to make an appointment with us. We never want to waste anyone’s money so you are not locked in for any period of time.  If for any reason you want to stop you are free to give two weeks notice.

Registered with OFSTED

I Love to Learn is registered with the OFSTED ( No. EY387054), and adhere to strict regulations with regard to the recruitment and vetting of staff. This will provide you with peace of mind when you send your child for tutoring the best possible teaching from experienced, qualified teachers. An additional benefit of choosing us is that you can pay for our services with childcare vouchers.

Tutor Profiles

Tutors at I Love to Learn

Howard Jones:

A zest for learning!

is the Centre Director. He is a secondary teacher with over 13 years experience and has now tutored 6 to 16 year olds for 12 years. Howard loves to teach all topics but especially senior Maths. He is passionate about education and seeing children reach their full potential. He enjoys politics, running and reading; but not at the same time! He is married to Linda and they have two fantastic children.

Linda Jones:

Helps children perfect their work!

is the Co-Director with Howard. She has a huge amount of primary experience, having been a Literacy Coordinator in West Sussex, and Literacy Development teacher here in Portsmouth. Linda is now dedicated to perfecting students’ skills through tutoring. She finds working with children energising! She also enjoys cooking and playing Boggle.

Tuition Fees Autumn 2016

Tuition Fees Autumn 2016

Autopay (No Deposit)

Autumn 2016

Year 1-Year 9 (6-14 yrs)

Weekly 1st half term

(7 weeks)

2nd half term

(7 weeks)

Full Term

(14 weeks)


1 Session a week








2nd Sessions (per week)







Totals for 2 sessions £60 £420  





Autumn 2016

Year 1-Year 9 (6-14 yrs)


With £60


1st half term

 (5% discount if paid in advance)

7 weeks

2nd half term

 ( 5% discount if paid in advance)

7 weeks

Full Term

(5% discount if paid in advance)

14 weeks


1 Session a week


£224   (£213)


£224   (£213)


£448   (£426)


2nd Sessions (per week)







Totals for 2 sessions £62 £434  – (£423)  

£434   -(£423)



Sign up for Autopay and pay only £30 per session!  (No Deposit)

We are introducing autopay direct debits using our automated invoicing. Ask us and we will set it up for you.  Your card will then be automatically debited each month with the tuition fees due. However, the great news is that if you chose this option we will only charge £30 per session rather than £32!

Other ways to pay your tuition fees

We still accept payments by cash and through our card machine. By paying for a half term or term in advance you will still receive a 5% discount.

You can also pay weekly, as long as a £60 deposit has been paid. This can be held as part payment for the last two sessions or be refunded with two weeks notice given.

Unfortunately we are no longer able to accept cheques due to excessive bank charges.

Missed sessions and ‘make ups’

Please remember that missed sessions must be paid for, so do book a ‘make-up’ session during the time that you are enrolled.

Help with payment

We are registered with OFSTED as an activity based childcare premises. This means if you are issued with childcare vouchers by your employer you may be able to use them to pay for tuition.

If you receive Working Families Tax Credit you may be eligible for help also.

Our OFSTED Registration No. is EY387054.

The WFTC Helpline is 0345 300 3900.

Tuition Session Times













Transition to a New School

Blasting Though to the Next Level!

Many of our little superheroes will soon be pushing through to the next level at school.  This may be a transition between Infant to Junior or Junior to Senior.  Even changing year groups can be a lot for younger children.

Do you remember the feeling of excitement and fear of going up to a new class or school?

Now is a good time to talk to your kids about these changes.  Fear of the unknown is the worst thing

especially for imaginative young minds.

It is a good idea to ask your child to write a list of questions themselves.  You never know what their concerns might be.

Talk to the Teacher

Always talk to the new teacher or school about your child’s special needs, personality, strengths and weaknesses.  Understanding a child is usually a great way to help teach that child.

Practical preparations are important also to help the child get ready mentally.  A new uniform or bag might seem a small thing, but it might help your little superhero think themselves into a new role.

If you do have any concerns about your child’s progress in reading, writing, spelling and maths please do not hesitate to call Howard and Linda on 023 93 968 626 or click on the Assessment Request button!

Overcoming Challenges (like SATs)!


writingYou may have noticed but SATs seem to have had a bad press recently.  As parents, tutors and teachers, how should we respond to this?  Are we setting kids up for failure and depression?

I spoke to someone who didn’t pass her 11+ exam many year ago. She said, “I failed when I was at that age, I was a failure because I didn’t pass the 11+.”

She still felt the pain of this many years later.  Should we blame a system for damaging and hurtfully labelling children?

Prof M Seligman in ‘Learned Optimism’ says that we can teach our children to deal with challenges if we help them fight the worst bully of all, themselves.  It’s that little voice that they hear when things go wrong.  “You’re not good enough, you can’t do it, you never will.”


  1. When things go wrong be a good model, don’t say ‘I’m such an idiot’ (which is permanent) but ‘I am having a bad day’(which is temporary).
  2.  If, for example, your child gets shouted at by a teacher and feels down, explore with them what that experience makes them believe e.g. he hates me, the class thinks I am stupid.
    Ex-Student Mary (Now and Accountant)

    Help them dispute this by making it less personal e.g. He shouts at everyone, the class knows this.  You may want to go through some practice scenarios to help your child develop these skills.

  3.  If they do something well, say something like, ‘because you practised hard you have become much better/faster/stronger.’(personal, they did it)  ‘How do you feel?  I would feel great if I could have done that at your age.’ (feeling good gives them energy)
  4.  If they say ‘I hate maths’ (a permanent negative belief), say ‘You’re just finding it difficult right now but you can work at it.’ (temporary and they can change)

We can’t avoid difficult things in life, and the evidence is that responding with a positive optimistic style is the best way to overcome adversity.  So, ‘Onwards and upwards’ as my mother used to say!

Take a look at this great video. https://youtu.be/2hHNq45rEnU

Find out more about SATS and get SATS resources….


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