Tax Free Childcare is Here
Save Money with Tax Free Childcare at I Love to Learn
As we are OFSTED registered you can use the below methods to pay I Love to Learn.
Tax Free Childcare is a new scheme from the government. If you open an account and put in some money the government will give you your tax back. You can use this to pay for childcare for children up to 12 years old. (For every £8 you pay in, the government will pay in an extra £2, equivalent to 20% of childcare costs)
Click here to open an account…
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You can continue to use the below methods also:
If you are already using Childcare Vouchers issues by your employer you can use them to pay for tuition with us. (You have until Oct 2018 to enrol as this scheme will end)
If you receive Working Families Tax Credit you may be eligible for help also. Just give the Helpline a call and tell them that your childcare costs have gone up. They will let you know if you can receive extra credit.
The WFTC Helpline is 0345 300 3900.
Our OFSTED no. in Portsmouth is EY 387054.
Our OFSTED no. in Fareham is EY 559164
Please do not hesitate to get in touch if we can be of any help on this or any other issue.